Hyperbolic Constellation
Glass beads, crochet cotton thread
Bisect–Frances Sewell Plunkett Gallery, Macon, GA, March 2019
Joint Mathematics Meetings Exhibition of Mathematical Art, San Antonio, 2015

Hyperbolic Constellation is inspired by Daina Taimina’s innovative technique for crocheting hyperbolic surfaces. Her breakthrough is that if you crochet with an increase (made by stitching twice into the same stitch) every n stitches for a fixed number n, the result has constant negative curvature. I have always been curious about how these increases are arranged. In this pseudospherical beaded surface, the gold beads (every 6th bead on the thread) mark the locations of the crochet increases. The initial round contains 6 beads, while the outer edge contains 6 x 64 = 384 beads.