Introduction to Asian Religions
Spring 2015
Introduction to Asian Religions
Spring 2015
Welcome to the course website for Introduction to Asian Religions at Asian University for Women, Spring 2015. The “Course Links & Resources” box on the right contains links to important information for the course, including course description and requirements, the reading schedule, tips for writing essays, helpful internet links related to the course, and more. Be sure to check the “Reading Schedule” link to keep up on the daily readings since it will most likely change.
You can also download most of the course material and read them on your computer, but don’t forget to come to class with some version of the daily readings--either with your computer or a print version.
And below is an “Announcements” section that will notify the class of upcoming events, due dates, and other important items.
Course Links & Resources
Journal Reflections
Keep up on your Journal Reflections, which should include your thoughts, questions, insights, and criticisms of the readings. We’ll collect them every other Wednesday, beginning January 28th.
Office: G 500
Office Hours:
Monday 3-4pm
Tuesday 2-3pm
Wednesday 3-4pm
(and by appointment)
Prof. John’s Website: Here