Essay 1

Introduction to Asian Religions

  1. 1.  Explain the religious/spiritual differences between the realization of Atman/Brahman in Hinduism and the  realization of Anatman in Buddhism. Cite examples from the course readings, such as the Katha Upanishad and/or the Bhagavad Gita in Hinduism, and the Milandapanha in Buddhism. What, if any, are the significant religious, spiritual, and practical differences between these two experiences?

  1. 2.  What are the similarities and/or differences between the Buddhist idea of Dukkha and the conflict of Dharma  raised in the Bhagavad Gita? Describe what the Buddha means by Dukkha and how it relates to human experience, and describe the conflict Arjuna faces on the battlefield and how this relates to human experience. What is the religious significance of these descriptions, and how are we, as either readers or believers of these texts and traditions, asked to respond to the problems they present?

  1. 3.   Describe and analyze the different teachings regarding death as presented in the Katha Upanishad and the “Parable of the Mustard Seed.” Discuss the relationship between the student/teacher (disciple/master) in each text, and describe both the content of those teachings and how those teachings are conveyed in each case. What do these texts say about the meaning of death, and is there any significance in the different methods used to convey these teachings?

Here are three possible essay topics for your first essay. You don’t have to choose any of these listed below, and feel free to develop your own topic or to modify my suggestions to suit your own interests and thoughts. Any topic you choose, however, should relate to a central issue in Hinduism and Buddhism, and should engage the issue(s) critically by raising challenging questions, thinking through the problems presented in the texts, and offering your own thoughts and reflections. This is a short essay (5 pages), and so try to stay focused on the topic. See my “tips” for essay writing to give you some guidance, and don’t hesitate to share you ideas with me or Professor Sam as you develop the essay. Best of luck!