Laboratory 01

Osmotic regulation of body fluid

The effect of environmental salinity on the osmolality of body fluid in three groups of euryhalinic estuarine animals

Pre-lab preparation required



By now you should all be aware of the basic phenomenon of osmosis and the problems it presents to living organisms. Remember that cells are bags of ionic and non ionic solutes surrounded by a semi permeable membrane. Cells will, therefore, behave like osmometers. Cells placed in a hypotonic medium will be faced with an influx of water while cells in a hypertonic medium will lose water to the external environment. Organisms must have mechanisms to deal with the osmotic problem or remain restricted to environments that are isoosmotic to their internal environments. These mechanisms can include morphological adaptations such as cell walls that physically contain the pressure and prevent osmotic damage to cell membranes. Physiological mechanisms include active regulation of the osmotic concentration of body fluids by pumping ions and moving water or passive conformation of body fluids to the osmotic concentration of the environment. Some animals have developed behavioral mechanisms as well, allowing them to migrate to more favorable conditions or seal themselves off from adverse osmotic conditions.

If we can easily ascertain the osmotic concentration of environmental and organismal fluids, certain fundamental questions can be asked of a wide variety of aquatic and terrestrial organisms. What is the impact of desiccation on blood or hemolymph osmotic pressures in organisms exposed to varying degrees of stress? Or, how do organisms respond in terms of osmotic homeostasis when confronted with an increasing or decreasing salinity? It is your goal to determine the effect of varying environmental salinities on the osmotic concentration of three groups of euryhalinic organisms and to draw conclusions as to their mechanisms of adapting to these salinity changes.

Measuring osmotic concentration

Osmotic concentration or osmolality (Osm) is, by definition, an expression of the total number of solute particles dissolved in one kilogram of solvent without regard for particle size, density, configuration, or electrical charge. Osmotic pressure and water potential are related to osmotic concentration as well as temperature and pressure.  It would be very tedious to determine osmotic conditions by describing the concentrations of all of the various inorganic and organic constituents in the external and internal environment of an organism. Therefore, osmotic concentrations are usually expressed as the equivalent concentration of an ideal nonelectrolyte and this is determined indirectly from one of the colligative properties of a solution.

Vapor pressure and freezing point are among the colligative properties of solutions. When compared with pure solvent, these properties are altered in proportion to the number of solute particles dissolved in each kilogram of solvent (water in the case of biological solutions). Thus, a measurement of either property affords an indirect means of determining solution concentration, or osmolality, independent of solute species. Changes in the freezing point and vapor pressure of solutions are the basis for all contemporary laboratory osmometers. The osmotic concentration of small volumes of biological fluids such as blood plasma, coelomic fluid, and urine can be quickly and accurately determined by means of either of these techniques, although vapor pressure methods have certain advantages.

Vapor pressure osmometry

The merits of the vapor pressure method stem from the fact that it does not require an alteration in the physical state of the specimen. Concomitant advantages include:

In vapor pressure osmometry the specimen is pipetted onto a solute-free paper disc in a circular sample holder. The sample holder is then conveyed into the instrument by means of a slide and locked in place. Locking initiates the automatic measurement sequence. The sensing element is a fine-wire thermocouple hygrometer. It is suspended in a unique, all-metal mount which, when coupled with the sample holder, forms a small chamber enclosing the specimen. Vapor pressure soon rises to equilibrium in the chamber airspace.

The ambient temperature of the air, sensed by the thermocouple, becomes the reference point for the measurement. Under micro-processor control, the thermocouple then seeks the dew point temperature within the enclosed space, giving an output proportional to the differential in temperature. The difference between the ambient temperature and the dew point temperature is the dew point temperature depression. - Dew point depression like the other collagist properties of water is directly related to osmolarity. The sample chamber is maintained at a normal temperature of 37°C. Dew point temperature depression is measured with a resolution of 0.00031 °C.

Theory of operation

Osmolality is an expression of the total concentration of dissolved particles in a solution without regard for particle size, density, configuration, or electrical charge. Indirect means for the measurement of osmolality are afforded by the fact that the addition of solute particles
to a solvent changes the free energy of the solvent molecules. This results in a modification of the cardinal properties of the solvent, i.e., vapor pressure, freezing point, and boiling point. Compared with pure solvent, the vapor pressure and freezing point of a solution are lowered, while its boiling point is elevated, provide that a single solvent is present in the solution. Solutions containing more than one solvent generally behave in more complex ways.  In single-solvent solutions, the relative changes in solution properties are linearly related to the number of particles added to the solvent, although not necessarily linearly related to the weight of solute, since solute molecules may dissociate into two or more ionic components. Since these properties all change linearly in proportion to the concentration of solute particles, they are known as "colligative"

Osmotic pressure is also a colligative property of a solution, but unlike the other three, it is not a cardinal property of the solvent. Solution osmotic pressure can be measured directly using a semipermeable membrane apparatus, but only with respect to those solute particles that are impermeable, since smaller solute particles freely diffuse across the membrane and do not directly contribute to osmotic pressure. Such a measurement is referred to as "colloid osmotic pressure" or "oncotic pressure." It is expressed in terms of pressure, in mmHg or kPa. Total osmotic pressure, i.e., that which a only be made indirectly by comparing one of the solution colligative properties with the corresponding cardinal property of the pure solvent. The first practical laboratory instruments developed for routine measurement of osmolality were based upon depression of the freezing point and, until recent years, all osmometers for large-scale testing were based upon this methodology.

The Vapro osmometer embodies newer technology. It is based upon a measurement of vapor pressure depression made possible by
thermocouple hygrometry. The vapor pressure method enjoys a significant intrinsic advantage over the measurement of either freezing
point depression or boiling point elevation in that it can be performed without the necessity for a change in the physical state of
the specimen. It is thus a passive technique of measurement that is free from measurement artifacts that often occur when the specimen to be tested must be altered physically. This fundamental difference in methodology gives rise to the many advantages of the vapor pressure osmometer over the older method. In the Vapro vapor pressure osmometer, a 10 microliter sample of the solution to be tested is pipetted onto a small, solute-free paper
disc which is then inserted into a sample chamber and sealed. A thermocouple hygrometer is incorporated integrally within the chamber. This sensitive temperature sensor operates on the basis of a unique thermal energy balancing principle to measure the dew point temperature depression within the chamber. This parameter, in itself a colligative property of the solution, is an explicit function of solution vapor pressure.

Program step I, Equilibration and zero set.

The sample is introduced into the chamber and the chamber is closed. Simultaneously, “In Process” and a countdown by seconds is displayed. (This remains until the end of sequence at Program Step 4.) At this point, there will generally be some difference between the temperature of the specimen and the temperature of the sample chamber. Temperature equilibrium occurs within a few seconds. The vapor pressure may also reach equilibrium during this interval. The microvoltmeter reads the amplifier voltage to establish the reference for the measurement.

Program step II, Cooling

An electrical current is passed through the thermocouple, cooling it by means of the Peltier Effect to a temperature below the dew point. Water condenses from the air in the chamber to form microscopic droplets upon the surface of the thermocouple.

Program step III, Dewpoint convergence.

Electronic circuitry “pumps” thermal energy from the thermocouple via Peltier cooling in such a way as to cancel out heat influx to the thermocouple by conduction, convection, and radiation. Given this, the temperature of the thermocouple is controlled exclusively by the water condensing upon its surface. Thermocouple temperature, depressed below the dew point in Step 2, rises asymptotically toward the dew point as water continues to condense. When the temperature of the thermocouple reaches the dew point, condensation ceases, causing the thermocouple temperature to stabilize.

Program step IV, End of sequence and readout.

The reading on the display is proportional to the vapor pressure of the solution. When this final reading is reached, a chime sounds and the “In Process” changes to “Osmolality”. The result is displayed in Sl units of osmolality—mmol/kg.
ation by a preamplifier, the signal is processed by the microprocessor to provide calibrate and compensate functions and display the reading.

Thermocouple temperature ve osmolality

The graph on the right is a plot of thermocouple temperature versus time as the instrument cycles through the program, beginning with chamber closure (time = 0). The graph depicts the excursion of thermocouple temperature that typically occurs during each of the program steps outlined above. TA is the ambient temperature in the chamber. TD is the dew point temperature, and ∆T is the dew point temperature depression. The output is proportional to ∆T. Assuming that the chamber remains closed while the osmometer displays the final reading at Step 4, the thermocouple temperature returns to TA after holding at the wet bulb depression temperature until all of the water has evaporated from the thermocouple. If the chamber is opened, the water will evaporate almost instantly and the thermocouple temperature will quickly return to ambient.
The relationship between sample osmolality and the reading obtained by the osmometer is governed by fundamental considerations. Vapor pressure depression, a linear function of osmolality, has been identified as one of the colligative properties of a solution. The relationship between vapor pressure depression and dew point temperature depression is given by ∆T = ∆e/S where ∆T is the dew point temperature depression in degrees Celsius, ∆e is the difference between saturation and chamber vapor pressure and S is the slope of the vapor pressure temperature function at ambient temperature. The Claussius-Clapeyron equation gives S as a function of temperature (T), saturation vapor pressure (eo,) and latent heat of vaporization (£f): eo£f S = RT2 where R is the universal gas constant. The dew point temperature depression, ∆T, is measured as a voltage signal from the thermocouple. This voltage is equal to ∆T multiplied by the thermocouple responsivity which is approximately 62 microvolts per degree Celsius. After voltage amplification by a preamplifier, the signal is processed by the microprocessor to provide calibrate and compensate functions and display the reading.

In our instrument a microprocessor controls the measurement cycle, which requires 58 seconds for samples having osmolality of 200 mmol/kg or higher. If the osmolality of the specimen is below 200 mmol/kg, a manual selection extends the measurement time to 88 seconds and improves the accuracy of the reading.

The units of osmotic concentration

Traditionally, osmolality has been expressed as milliosmoles per kilogram, with various abbreviations such as mOs/kg, mOsm/kg, and mOsmol/kg. The inclusion of the letters Os was intended to emphasize that osmolality is defined as the concentration, expressed on a molal basis, of the osmotically active particles in true solution. Thus, one mole of sodium chloride dissolved in a kilogram of water (1 mol NaCl/kg) would have an ideal osmolality of 2 Osm/kg, since a molecule of sodium chloride dissociates in solution to produce two ions, that is, two osmotically active particles.

With complex solutions, such as blood and other biological fluids, analytical variables are universally expressed as the concentration of specific ions and of undissociated solute particles. It follows that a molal solution of NaCl can be analytically expressed as a combination of a molal solution of sodium ions and a molal solution of chloride ions. The total concentration of solute particles (the osmolality) is therefore 2 molal. Hence the osmolality can be expressed simply as 2 mol/kg without the necessity of introducing the "osmole" concept.

It must be emphasized that this example assumes ideal conditions for the sake of clarity. In fact, a molal solution of sodium chloride will have an osmolality value slightly less than 2 mol/kg because the residual mutual attraction of the hydrated ions reduces their mutual independence by a factor called the osmotic coefficient. Since the coefficient varies with the solute concentration, the relation between osmalality and concentration of solute is not linear. For this reason, measurements of osmolality made on laboratory-diluted specimens, with subsequent multiplication by the dilution factor, will not give valid results and can only be considered estimates.

The Commission on Clinical Chemistry of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (UPAC) and the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) have recommended that the unit of osmolality be mmol/kg, and this has been adopted by the journal "Clinical Chemistry" as part of its general acceptance of Standard International (S.I.) units. If it's good enough for the Commission it's good enough for your lab report.


Read through the instructions and prepare a step-by-step protocol that will eliminate wasted time, i.e. if your blood requires centrifugation start that first so that other chores can be accomplished during the spin.

You can save hours of work on next week's ionic regulation lab if you collect and store samples this week. The pre-laboratory preparations for next week are identical: same organisms, same salinities, same time period. The prudent student will therefore collect next week's samples from this week's animals as soon as the osmoregulation samples are taken. You will require plasma (about 100 ul for each ion determination) and a water sample (about 1000 ul. The plasma samples can be collected along with the osmometer samples for this experiment. Label your samples very carefully. Remember that tape labels may fall of when damp and that they will not fit into a centrifuge. Store your samples refrigerated at 4o C in ziplock bags labeled on the inside with your name and the date (in addition to the sample codes).

Pre-laboratory Proceedures

Observe the labels on the crab condominiums in the SH wet lab and place in in each experimental salinity at least 48 hours prior to the experiment. Each replicate will require:

If each team gets a sample from each organism we will have six replicates. Or you may work as a super team with each lab team sampling only one type of organism. Either way remember your report won't be convincing with out statistical analysis so think about how many replicates you will need.

A note on labeling organisms (not necessary if you are all working together)

Clean the carapace with a Kimwipe moistened (not dripping with) acetone and with a lab marker write the acclimation salinity and your initials on the cleaned carapace.
They can't swim so you need only place a label under them or tie it loosely around them with twine. Use pencil or laundry marker - any ball or felt tip pen will produce a disappearing label.
Use a distinctive fin clip, ie, clip the top of the tail or the bottom the tail or any other recognizable pattern. Be certain to post your code on the wall over the tanks to prevent other groups from duplicating your code. If you elect to pretreat the animals as a class the labeling of individual organisms is optional but to avoid confusion all organisms to be used by the other lab section must be labeled or separately housed as described below.
An alternative to marking individual fish can be used. Place all of your fish in a small covered plastic aquarium and place the entire aquarium in the top tray of the experimental tank units. If you chose this simpler method you must provide for a flow of water into the aquaria using tygone tubing. Be certain that the tubing is placed through a hole in the lid as removing the cover will certainly result in "jumpers" confounding your labeling scheme.
Failure to carefully label your organisms and to observe their progress during the acclimation will make it impossible to complete this laboratory exercise.

A note on disarming crabs

The pugnacious nature and cannibalistic tendencies of the blue crab requires some special precautions if they are to be maintained in close quarters. Any method of preventing the use of their chelipeds will work, but the removal of the cheliped is your best insurance. The decapod crustacea have the ability to automize limbs if their retention would threaten the safety of the organism. You need only threaten the crab by holding the cheliped in a Bunsen burner flame and the distressed crab will contract specialized muscles that will drop the claw and seal off the circulatory system. Failure to disable or remove the chelipeds will threaten the success of everyone's experiment.  It is not necessary or advisable to disarm fiddlers.

Laboratory procedure

Collecting samples

A note on labeling:
Careful labeling is critical to your success with this lab. Do not label microfuge tubes on the cap. You will remove these labels with your thumbs each time you close the tube. Label the on the side with lab marker. You can't label heamatocrit tubes. You have to relies on positional labels (which slot are they in?). For blood collection, label a piece of paper with your codes and then fold it to produce a ridge. use your dissecting needle to pierce the ridge at each number and then insert your tubes in the appropriate holes. Keep careful notes on the position of each tube in the centrifuge (write the slot number on your labeled paper tube holder) and return them to the same position after the spin. Every student failure in this lab can be traced back to sloppy labeling.
Collect at least (250 ul) (1/4 microfuge tube) of blood by piercing the membrane between fifth periopod and body with a 3 ml syringe and 16-18 gauge needle. Transfer the blood immediately to a micro centrifuge tube and stir it vigorously to promote clotting prior to centrifuging. Alternatively, swiftly cut through the coxa of the fifth periopod and collect the blood from stump directly into a 1500ml microfuge tube. If you utilize this technique, it is critical to avoid contamination of your sample with water draining from the branchial chamber by wrapping the animal in a paper towel. Stir the blood vigorously to promote clotting prior to centrifuging. Smaller animals will require modification of this technique. Fiddlers are best sampled by cutting basi-ischium of the large cheliped of males and then pumping the dactyl to express the blood. Shrimp will not provide much blood. cutting through the abdomen just posterior to the heart and collecting blood directly into hematocrit tubes should work.


Bivalves including oysters
Collect blood by carefully open the oyster and reflect the mantle away from the dorsal body wall. The heart should be visible, beating within the pericardial cavity. Drain the mantel cavity and blot the pericardium dry with tissue and carefully pierce the membrane with fine tipped forceps, reflect the membrane and collect as much blood as possible (at least 250 ul) with a narrow bore disposable pipette. Transfer the blood to a 1500 ml microfuge tubes. If you damage the pericardial membrane while opening the oyster, you can still collect an uncontaminated sample by shaking the all of the fluid from the oyster and then waiting for thee pericardial cavity to refill.


Unfortunately you can not kill the fish first as a beating heart is required to pump the blood out of the aorta. MS-222(Tricaine methane-sulfonate) is, however an efective fish anesthetic and you shoud immerse your fish in a 100mg MS222/l of culture water. Immerse the fish for about 10 min prior to collecting the blood and return them to a leathal solution of 250mg/l when you have compleated the proceedure. Work as quickly and humanly as possible. A pooled blood sample from three fish should be enough for both osmotic pressure and ion concentration measurements.
Wrap the anterior half of the fish in a damp paper towel. With a fresh sharp razor blade sever the tail about half way between the posterior margin of the dorsal fin and the caudal fin Collect blood by holding the fish head up and touching the now exposed dorsal aorta with a heparinized capillary tube.


Note: centrifuged samples can not stand on the pellet.  Either use them right out of the centrifuge or decant thne supernate into fresh labeled tube.

All vertebrate blood samples must be centrifuged prior to osmometry or freezing as cellular disruption will liberate variable amounts of osmotically and ionically active material, affecting the results of this experiment as well as varying ionic concentrations that will alter the results of next week's experiment. Invertebrate blood will have significantly fewer cells, but if all samples are to be treated alike you should centrifuge them as well as your water samples.

Crab and oyster blood and water samples

For these relatively large samples you will use an Eppendorff microfuge. Make certain that the samples are in 1500 ml microfuge tubes and that the caps are tightly sealed. To insure that the rotor remains balanced, place the tubes in the microfuge such that each tube has a tube with equal volume directly across from it. The relatively low speed and low sample volume of the microfuge make it unnecessary to weigh each tube but careful eyeball balance is necessary. Replace the rotor lid, close the cover, and spin the samples for five minutes at full speed. The size and shape of these microfuge tubes allow you to decant the supernatant with out disturbing the pellet. Remember that storage of the supernatant over the pellet may lead to contamination of the sample.

Fish blood

Your fish blood samples are in hematocrit tubes and require a different centrifuge. You should cap one end of the tube with a critocap or critoseal and place in the hematocrit centrifuge (capped end to the outside) in a balanced arrangement. Replace the cover and spin for 5 minutes. Remove the critocap, and very carefully break off the portion of the tube containing cells and other sedimented debris. Blow the contents out into a 1500 ml tube for subsequent use.

The rotor cover must be replaced before running the hematocrit centrifuge or all samples will be lost and the equipment seriously damaged.

If the plasma is very pink you are going to have a significant contribution to osmotic pressure from hemoglobin and other solutes liberated from damaged cells. You should note any significant heamolysis in your notebooks.


Using the Model 5520 Wescore vapor pressure osmometer as described, determine the osmolaity of each of the samples that you have collected. Pay special attention to your labels it is easy to work all day and lose it all to misread labels.

An abridged manual is availavlable to guide you through the process of vapor pressure osmometry.  you should read through the discription of the instrument and its controls before you procced.  Then using the protocol outline below determint the osmolality of your samples.

  1. Inspect accessories and supplies
  2. Plug in the power cord and switch power on
  3. Allow for temperature equilibration (observe Temperature Drift Scale).
  4. Set up your Optimole standards
  5. Practice loading samples
  6. Perform a Clean Test and report any failure to meet specifications.
  7. Check instrument calibration and recalibrate if necessary.
  8. Assay samples.

You can find copy of the full operating manual for the Wescore 5520 Osmometers is in the appendicies at the end of this manual.

We have twe different modelsosmometers, If you are using the Wescore 5500, you will needto use its manual. You should become familiar with the basisc set up of the instrument and then be certain that you can turn it on and understand temperature drift.

Never assume that the insr\trument is calibrated.  Start your data collection with a clean test and standard calibration proceeedure.  Then read your samples.  They should be fresh out of the centrifuge; if they have been l;aying around and resuspending centrifuge again.  Particles will contaminate the instrument and add hours to your laboratory fun cleaning it up.

If competition for the instruments makes it difficult to complete your measurements before time runs out, you can store your samples refrigerated in tightly capped centrifuge tubes. Do not freeze the samples; store them at 4 °C.
: You may want to know why freezing is inappropriate in this experiment as this question has appeared on past exams


You should enter all of your data on the shared resource spreadsheet Osmo05.xls located in the lab data folder on Archimedies. This is a shared resource and each time you save it it will be updated for everyone as well as updating itself with the work of the rest of the class. Because it is a shared resource it is possible for you to damage or over wright the data of others or simply put it in the wrong column. Carefully enter your data into the appropriate cells.


You should submit a formal lab report on this experiment within one week of its completion. Report your findings as: osmotic concentration. This data provides you with an ideal opportunity to demonstrate your expertise in data presentation. Think about the most appropriate graphic and/or tabular presentation. Remember you are going to refer to your graphs in your discussion while you are trying to justify your conclusion. Your graphs should clearly illustrate the point that you are trying to make.


Boon, D. B. 1972. Blood osmotic concentrations of blue crabs (Callinecties) sapidus found in fresh water. Chesapeake Science, 13(4):318-335

Flemester, L. J. 1958. Salt and water anatomy, consistency and regulation in related crabs from marine and terrestrial habitats. Biol. Bull., 115:180-200

Gilles, R. 1975 Mechanisms of ion and osmo regulation. In Marine Ecology, Vol II, Part I. O. Kinne (Ed) pp. 259-335

Gross, W. J. 1954. Osmotic responses in the sipunculid Dendrostomum zostericolum. J. Exp. Biol., 31:402-423.

Gross, W. J. 1957. An analysis of osmotic stress in selected decapod crustaceans. Biol. Bull., 112:43-62

Lent, C. M. 1969. Adaptations of the Ribbed mussel, Modiolus demissus to the intertidal habitat. Am. Zoo., 9:283-292.

Welsh, J. H., R. I. Smith and A. E. Kammer. 1968. Laboratory Exercises in Invertebrate Physiology, Burgess, Minneapolis,

Walter I. Hatch

August 12, 2012