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Jordan Price

Publications (* indicates undergraduate co-author):

Price, J. J., K. Garcia*, and M. D. Eaton. 2024. Losses of sexual dichromatism involve rapid changes in female plumage colors to match males in New World blackbirds. Evolution 78:188-194.(PDF)

Price, J. J., M.T. Willson*, and R. W. Pare*. 2023. Loss of complex female song but not duetting in the ancestors of Carolina Wrens. Ethology 129: 47-54. (PDF)

Pham*, C. H., J. J. Price, J. M. Tallant, and D. N. Karowe. 2022. Climate change is predicted to reduce sympatry among North American wood-warblers. Ornithological Applications 124: 1-12. (PDF)

Price, J. J. and K. Yasukawa. 2021. The evolution of behavior: a phylogenetic approach. Pages 107-130 in H. Zimbler-DeLorenzo and S. Margulis, editors, Exploring Animal Behavior in the Laboratory and Field, Second Edition. Elsevier. (PDF)

Keenan*, E. L., K.J. Odom, M. Araya-Salas, K.G. Horton, M. Strimas-Mackey, M.A. Meatte, N.I. Mann, P.J.B. Slater, J. J. Price , C. N. Templeton. 2020. Breeding season length predicts duet coordination and consistency in Neotropical wrens (Troglodytidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20202482. (PDF)

Price, J. J. 2019b. Book review of Listening in the Field: Recording and the Science of Birdsong. Auk 136: ukz057. (PDF)

Price, J. J. 2019a. Sex differences in song and plumage color do not evolve through sexual selection alone: new insights from recent research. Journal of Ornithology 160: 1213-1219. (PDF)

Duursma, D. E., R. V. Gallagher, J. J. Price, and S. C. Griffith. 2018. Variation in avian egg shape and nest structure is explained by climatic conditions. Nature: Scientific Reports  8: 4147. (PDF)

Price, J. J., and S. C. Griffith. 2017. Open cup nests evolved from roofed nests in the early passerines. Proceedings of the Royal Society B  284: 20162708. (PDF)

Dority*, D., J. J. Price, and S. Pruett-Jones. 2016. Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers alter sap well locations in response to experimentally induced tree damage. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128: 619-623. (PDF)

Sturge, R. J., K. E. Omland, J. J. Price, and B. Lohr. 2016. Divergence in calls but not songs in the Orchard Oriole complex: Icterus spurius and I. fuertesi. Journal of Avian Biology 47: 109-120. (PDF)

Price, J. J. 2015. Rethinking our assumptions about the evolution of bird song and other sexually dimorphic signals. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3: 40. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00040. (PDF)

Odom, K. J., K.E. Omland, and J. J. Price. 2015. Differentiating the evolution of female song and male-female duets in the New World blackbirds: can tropical natural history traits explain duets? Evolution 69: 839-847. (PDF)

Price, J. J. 2015. Isn’t it time to move beyond coal? Washington Post, December 20.

Price, J. J., and M. D. Eaton. 2014. Reconstructing the evolution of sexual dichromatism: current color diversity does not reflect past rates of male and female change. Evolution 68: 2026-2037. (PDF).

Price, J. J. and C. L. Crawford*. 2013. Use and characteristics of two singing modes in Pine Warblers. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125: 552-561. (PDF)

Johnson, A. E., J. J. Price and S. Pruett-Jones. 2013. Different modes of evolution in males and females generate dichromatism in fairy-wrens (Maluridae). Ecology and Evolution 3: 3030-3046. (PDF) (Featured on the COVER)

Greig, E. I., J. J. Price and S. Pruett-Jones. 2013. Song evolution in Maluridae: both natural and sexual selection influence acoustic structure. Emu 113: 270-281. (PDF)

Price, J. J. 2013. Why is birdsong so repetitive? Signal detection and the evolution of avian singing modes. Behaviour 150: 995-1013. (PDF)

Naguib, N., and J. J. Price. 2013. The evolution of animal communication. Behaviour 150: 950-955. (PDF) (Featured on the COVER).

Hagemeyer*, N. D., R. J. Sturge, K. E. Omland and J. J. Price. 2012. Incomplete song divergence between recently diverged taxa: syllable sharing in Orchard and Fuertes’ orioles. Journal of Field Ornithology 83: 362-371. (PDF)

Price, J. J., and D. H. Yuan*. 2011. Song-type sharing and matching in a bird with very large song repertoires, the tropical mockingbird. Behaviour 148: 673-689. (PDF)

Price, J. J., M. K. Clapp* and K. E. Omland. 2011. Where have all the trees gone? The declining use of phylogenies in animal behaviour journals. Animal Behaviour 81: 667-670. (PDF)

Price, J. J. 2010. Why it makes sense to hunt: conserving the environment with a gun. River Gazette 10(3): 18. (PDF)

Price, J. J., and L. M. Whalen*. 2009. Plumage evolution in the oropendolas and caciques: different divergence rates in polygynous and monogamous taxa. Evolution 63: 2985-2998. (PDF)

Price, J. J. 2009. Evolution and life history correlates of female song in the New World blackbirds. Behavioral Ecology 20: 967-977. (PDF)

Price, J. J., S. M. Lanyon and K. E. Omland. 2009. Losses of female song with changes from tropical to temperate breeding in the New World blackbirds. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B 276: 1971-1980. (PDF)

Kiere*, L. M., C. M. Hofmann, J. J. Price, T. W. Cronin and K. E. Omland. 2009. Discrete evolutionary color changes in caciques suggest different modes of carotenoid evolution between closely related taxa. Journal of Avian Biology 40: 605-613. (PDF)

Reichard*, D. G., and J. J. Price. 2008. Species recognition in a vocal mimic: repetition pattern not the only cue used by Northern Mockingbirds in discriminating songs of conspecifics and Brown Thrashers. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120: 717-724. (PDF)

Price, J. J., L. Yunes-Jiménez*, M. Osorio-Beristain, K. E. Omland and T. G. Murphy. 2008. Sex-role reversal in song? Females sing more frequently than males in the Streak-backed Oriole. Condor 110: 387-392. (PDF)

Price, J. J., N. R. Friedman*, and K. E. Omland. 2007. Song and plumage evolution in the New World orioles (Icterus) show similar lability and convergence in patterns. Evolution 61: 850-863 (PDF) (Featured on the COVER).

Price, J. J. 2007. The secret lives above us. River Gazette 7(6): 15. (PDF)

Cramer*, E. R. A., and J. J. Price. 2007. Red-winged blackbirds Ageliaus phoeniceus respond differently to song types with different performance levels. Journal of Avian Biology 38: 122-127. (PDF)

Price, J. J., S. M. Earnshaw*, and M. S. Webster. 2006. Montezuma oropendolas modify a component of song constrained by body size during vocal contests. Animal Behaviour 71: 799-807. (PDF)

Thompson*, S. A., and J. J. Price. 2006. Water clarity and diving behavior in wintering Common Loons. Waterbirds 290: 169-175. (PDF)

Price, J. J. 2005. Bad advice for hunters. Washington Post, November 21.

Price, J. J., K. P. Johnson, S. Bush, and D. H. Clayton. 2005. Phylogenetic relationships of the Papuan Swiftlet and implications for the evolution of avian echolocation. Ibis 147: 790-796. (PDF)

Price, J. J., K. P. Johnson, and D. H. Clayton. 2004. The evolution of echolocation in swiftlets. Journal of Avian Biology 35: 135-143.(PDF)

Price, J. J., and S. M. Lanyon. 2004. Patterns of song evolution and sexual selection in the oropendolas and caciques. Behavioral Ecology 15: 485-497. (PDF)

Price, J. J., and S. M. Lanyon. 2004. Song and molecular data identify congruent but novel affinities of the Green Oropendola. Auk 121: 224-229. (PDF)

Price, J. J. 2004. Song patterns and species relationships in the oropendolas. Interpretive Birding Bulletin 5(3): 39-40. (PDF)

Price, J. J. 2003. Communication with shared call repertoires in the cooperatively breeding Stripe-backed Wren. Journal of Field Ornithology 74: 166-171. (PDF)

Price, J. J., and S. M. Lanyon. 2002. Reconstructing the evolution of complex bird song in the oropendolas. Evolution 56: 1514-1529. (PDF)

Price, J. J., and S. M. Lanyon. 2002. A robust molecular phylogeny of the oropendolas: polyphyly revealed by mitochondrial sequence data. Auk 119: 335-348. (PDF) (Featured on the COVER)

Price, J. J., and R. H. Wiley. 2000. Duets and drawls. Natural History 109(2): 50-53. (PDF)

Price, J. J. 1999. Recognition of family-specific calls in stripe-backed wrens. Animal Behaviour 57: 483-492. (PDF)

Price, J. J. 1998. Family- and sex-specific vocal traditions in a cooperatively breeding songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 265: 497-502. (PDF)