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Last updated 2022
Professor of Biology
Department of Biology, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s
City, MD 20686
Phone: (240) 895-2216; Fax: (240) 895-4996; Email:
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC (1998) Ph.D. in Biology
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada (1990) B.Sc.H. in Biology, B.A. in Psychology
Professional Positions:
Professor, Department of Biology, St. Mary’s College of Maryland (2014-present)
Visiting Professor, University of Michigan Biological Station (2008-present)
Visiting Professor, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (2016)
Associate Professor, Department of Biology, St. Mary’s College of Maryland (2008-2014)
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, St. Mary’s College of Maryland (2002-2008)
Postdoctoral Associate, Bell Museum of Natural History, University of Minnesota (1999-2002)
Visiting Instructor, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina (1998-1999)
Research Interests:
Bioacoustics; Evolution of animal behavior; Molecular evolution; Ornithology
Academic Honors and Awards:
Steven Muller Distinguished Professor of the Sciences, St. Mary’s College of Maryland (2015-2019)
National Science Foundation Research Opportunity Awards (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010)
Fellow of the American Ornithological Society (2017)
Centennial Scholar in Residence, University of Michigan Biological Station (2008-2009)
Norton T. Dodge Award for Creative and Scholarly Achievement by a Junior Faculty Member (2007)
SMCM Faculty Development Grants (2003-2020)
On-Campus Dissertation Fellowship, University of North Carolina (1997)
Travel and Research Awards, University of North Carolina, Dept of Biology (1994, 1996, 1997)
H. V. Wilson Scholarships, University of North Carolina (1993, 1995, 1996)
Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research Award (1993, 1995)
Frank M. Chapman Memorial Fund, American Museum of Natural History (1993)
Courses Taught:
St. Mary’s College of Maryland (2002-present):
Animal Behavior, Avian Biology, Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, Contemporary Bioscience, Ecology and Evolution, First-Year Seminar, Genetics Laboratory, Molecular Biology Laboratory, Molecular Evolution, Ornithology, Principles of Biology Laboratories, Tropical Biology
University of Michigan Biological Station (Summers 2008-present):
Natural History and Evolution
University of North Carolina (1998-1999):
Animal Behavior, Vertebrate Anatomy and Evolution
Teaching Assistant, University of North Carolina (1991-1999):
Animal Behavior, Human Anatomy, Vertebrate Field Zoology, Vertebrate Anatomy and Evolution
Publications: (* indicates undergraduate coauthor)
Price, J. J., M.T. Willson*, and R. W. Pare*. 2023. Loss of complex female song but not duetting in the ancestors of Carolina Wrens. Ethology 129: 47-54.
Pham*, C. H., J. J. Price, J. M. Tallant, and D. N. Karowe. 2022. Climate change is predicted to reduce sympatry among North American wood-warblers. Ornithological Applications 124:1-12.
Price, J. J., and K. Yasukawa. 2021. The evolution of behavior: a phylogenetic approach. Pages 107-130 in H. Zimbler-DeLorenzo and S. Margulis, editors, Exploring Animal Behavior in the Laboratory and Field, Second Edition. Elsevier.
Keenan*, E. L., K.J. Odom, M. Araya-Salas, K.G. Horton, M. Strimas-Mackey, M.A. Meatte, N.I. Mann, P.J.B. Slater, J. J. Price, C. N. Templeton. 2020. Breeding season length predicts duet coordination and consistency in Neotropical wrens (Troglodytidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287:20202482.
Price, J. J. 2019b. Book review of Listening in the Field: Recording and the Science of Birdsong Auk 136:ukz057.
Price, J. J. 2019a. Sex differences in song and plumage color do not evolve through sexual selection alone: new insights from recent research. Journal of Ornithology 160: 1213-1219.
Duursma, D. E., R. V. Gallagher, J. J. Price, and S. C. Griffith. 2018. Variation in avian egg shape and nest structure is explained by climatic conditions. Nature: Scientific Reports 8: 4147.
Price, J. J., and S. C. Griffith. 2017. Open cup nests evolved from roofed nests in the early passerines. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284: 20162708.
Dority*, D., J. J. Price, and S. Pruett-Jones. 2016. Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers change sap well locations in response to experimentally induced tree damage. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128: 619-623.
Sturge, R. J., K. E. Omland, J. J. Price, and B. Lohr. 2016. Divergence in calls but not songs in the Orchard Oriole complex: Icterus spurius and I. fuertesi. Journal of Avian Biology 47: 109-120.
Price, J. J. 2015. Isn't it time to move beyond coal? Washington Post, December 20.
Price, J. J. 2015. Rethinking our assumptions about the evolution of bird song and other sexually dimorphic signals. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3:40. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00040.
Odom, K. J., K.E. Omland, and J. J. Price. 2015. Differentiating the evolution of female song and male-female duets in the New World blackbirds: can tropical natural history traits explain duets? Evolution 69: 839-847.
Price, J. J., and M. D. Eaton. 2014. Reconstructing the evolution of sexual dichromatism: current color diversity does not reflect past rates of male and female change. Evolution 68: 2026-2037.
Price, J. J., and C. L. Crawford*. 2013. Use and characteristics of two singing modes in Pine Warblers. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125: 552-561.
Johnson, A. E., J. J. Price and S. Pruett-Jones. 2013. Different modes of evolution in males and females generate dichromatism in fairy-wrens (Maluridae). Ecology and Evolution 3: 3030-3046. (featured on the cover of the September 2013 issue of Ecology and Evolution).
Greig, E. I., J. J. Price and S. Pruett-Jones. 2013. Song evolution in Maluridae: both natural and sexual selection influence acoustic structure. Emu 113: 270-281.
Price, J. J. 2013. Why is birdsong so repetitive? Signal detection and the evolution of avian singing modes. Behaviour 150: 995-1013.
Naguib, N., and J. J. Price. 2013. The evolution of animal communication. Behaviour 150: 950-955. (featured on the cover of the August 2013 issue of Behaviour).
Hagemeyer*, N. D., R. J. Sturge, K. E. Omland and J. J. Price. 2012. Incomplete song divergence between recently diverged taxa: syllable sharing by Orchard and Fuertes’ orioles. Journal of Field Ornithology 83: 362-371.
Price, J. J., and D. H. Yuan*. 2011. Song-type sharing and matching in a bird with very large song repertoires, the tropical mockingbird. Behaviour 148: 673-689.
Price, J. J., M. K. Clapp* and K. E. Omland. 2011. Where have all the trees gone? The declining use of phylogenies in animal behaviour journals. Animal Behaviour 81: 667-670.
Price, J. J. 2010. Why it makes sense to hunt: Conserving the environment with a gun. River Gazette 10(3): 18.
Price, J. J., and L. M. Whalen*. 2009. Plumage evolution in the oropendolas and caciques: different divergence rates in polygynous and monogamous taxa. Evolution 63: 2985-2998.
Price, J. J. 2009. Evolution and life history correlates of female song in the New World blackbirds. Behavioral Ecology 20: 967-977.
Price, J. J., S. M. Lanyon and K. E. Omland. 2009. Losses of female song with changes from tropical to temperate breeding in the New World blackbirds. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B 276: 1971-1980.
Kiere*, L. M., C. M. Hofmann, J. J. Price, T. W. Cronin and K. E. Omland. 2009. Discrete evolutionary color changes in caciques suggest different modes of carotenoid evolution between closely related taxa. Journal of Avian Biology 40: 605-613.
Reichard*, D. G., and J. J. Price. 2008. Species recognition in a vocal mimic: repetition pattern not the only cue used by Northern Mockingbirds in discriminating songs of conspecifics and Brown Thrashers. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120: 717-724.
Price, J. J., L. Yunes-Jiménez*, M. Osorio-Beristain, K. E. Omland and T. G. Murphy. 2008. Sex-role reversal in song? Females sing more frequently than males in the Streak-backed Oriole. Condor 110: 387-392.
Price, J. J. 2007. The secret lives above us. River Gazette 7(6): 15.
Price, J. J., N. R. Friedman* and K. E. Omland. 2007. Song and plumage evolution in the New World orioles (Icterus) show similar lability and convergence in patterns. Evolution 61: 850-863 (featured on the cover of the April 2007 issue of Evolution).
Cramer*, E. R. A., and J. J. Price. 2007. Red-winged blackbirds Ageliaus phoeniceus respond differently to song types with different performance levels. Journal of Avian Biology 38: 122-127.
Thompson*, S. A., and J. J. Price. 2006. Water clarity and diving behavior in wintering Common Loons. Waterbirds 290: 169-175.
Price, J. J., S. M. Earnshaw* and M. S. Webster. 2006. Montezuma oropendolas modify a component of song constrained by body size during vocal contests. Animal Behaviour 71: 799-807.
Price, J. J., K. P. Johnson, S. Bush and D. H. Clayton. 2005. Phylogenetic relationships of the Papuan Swiftlet and implications for the evolution of avian echolocation. Ibis 147: 790-796.
Price, J. J. 2005. Bad advice for hunters. Washington Post, November 21.
Price, J. J., and S. M. Lanyon. 2004. Patterns of song evolution and sexual selection in the oropendolas and caciques. Behavioral Ecology 15: 485-497.
Price, J. J., K. P. Johnson and D. H. Clayton. 2004. The evolution of echolocation in swiftlets. Journal of Avian Biology 35: 135-143.
Price, J. J., and S. M. Lanyon. 2004. Song and molecular data identify congruent but novel affinities of the Green Oropendola. Auk 121: 224-229.
Price, J. J. 2004. Song patterns and species relationships in the oropendolas. Interpretive Birding 5(3): 39-40.
Price, J. J. 2003. Communication with shared call repertoires in the cooperatively breeding Stripe-backed Wren. Journal of Field Ornithology 74: 166-171.
Price, J. J., and S. M. Lanyon. 2002. Reconstructing the evolution of complex bird song in the oropendolas. Evolution 56: 1514-1529.
Price, J. J., and S. M. Lanyon. 2002. A robust molecular phylogeny of the oropendolas: polyphyly revealed by mitochondrial sequence data. Auk 119: 335-348 (featured on the cover of the April 2002 issue of the Auk).
Price, J. J., and R. H. Wiley. 2000. Duets and drawls. Natural History 109(2): 50-53.
Price, J. J. 1999. Recognition of family-specific calls in stripe-backed wrens. Animal Behaviour 57: 483-492.
Price, J. J. 1998. Acoustic communication in a cooperative songbird: transmission, recognition, and use of shared call repertoires. Doctoral Dissertation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
Price, J. J. 1998. Family- and sex-specific vocal traditions in a cooperatively breeding songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 265: 497-502.
Invited Lectures:
Ohio Wesleyan University, Biology Department (June 2022)
University of Maryland Baltimore County (September 2021)
Southern Maryland Audubon Society (December 2018)
St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Steven Muller Lectures (three 2017-2018)
International Ornithological Congress, Vancouver, Keynote Address (August 2018)
Ohio Wesleyan University, Lucien Clark Endowed Lecture (February 2018)
University of Massachusetts Amherst (September 2017)
University of Michigan Biological Station, Hann Endowed Lecture (July 2017)
College of William and Mary, Biology Department (November 2016)
Balticon 50, Baltimore, Maryland (May 2016)
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (March 2016)
The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (March 2016)
SMCM Foundation Board Annual Meeting, Annapolis Yacht Club (September 2014)
University of Windsor, Department of Biological Sciences (January 2014)
International Bioacoustics Congress, Pirenópolis, Brazil (September 2013)
Villanova University, Department of Biology (March 2011)
Indiana University, Department of Biology (February 2011)
University of Windsor, Department of Biological Sciences (November 2010)
St. Mary’s College of Maryland, NSM Colloquium Series (March 2010)
Cornell University, Laboratory of Ornithology (February 2009)
Cornell University, Department of Neurobiology & Behavior (February 2009)
University of Michigan Biological Station (July 2008)
National Science Foundation, Evolution of Motor Patterns Workshop (June 2007)
St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Darwin Day Seminar (February 2006)
St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Faculty Laurels Dinner (January 2006)
Virginia Society of Ornithology (April 2005)
University of Mary Washington, VA (April 2005)
St. Mary’s College of Maryland, NSM Colloquium Series (November 2004)
St. Mary’s College of Maryland, The Faculty Seminar (March 2004)
Hood College, Frederick, MD (March 2004)
Southern Maryland Audubon Society (November, 2003)
Smithsonian National Zoo, Department of Conservation Biology (March 2003)
University of Maryland Baltimore County (March 2003)
Bell Museum of Natural History, St. Paul, MN (March 2002)
University of Minnesota, Biological Basis of Behavior Seminar Series (April 2001)
University of Minnesota, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior (November 2000)
The Chapel Hill Bird Club, Chapel Hill, NC (January 1999)
University of North Carolina, Department of Biology (Spring 1997)
Duke University, Triangle Behavior Seminar (Fall 1995)
Presentations at Scientific Meetings: (* indicates undergraduate
Oral presentations:
Willson*, M. T. and J. J. Price. The loss of female vocal complexity and duetting behavior in the ancestors of Carolina Wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus). America Ornithological Society, Virtual Conference, August 2021.
Pare*, R. W. and J. J. Price. Vocal coordination between male and female Carolina Wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus). America Ornithological Society, Virtual Conference, August 2021.
Pham, C. H., D. N. Karowe, J. J. Price, and J. M. Tallant. Climate-mediated changes in interactions among Wood Warbler species. NIMBioS Undergraduate Research Conference, November 2020.
Price, J. J., and K. Yasukawa. Theory of behavior: using freely available software. Education Workshop: Exploring animal behavior in the laboratory and field (2nd Ed). Animal Behavior Society, Virtual Conference, August 2020.
Price, J. J. New perspectives on the evolution of song and color dimorphisms. International Ornithological Congress, Vancouver, Canada, August 2018.
Price, J. J. Tinbergen’s neglected fourth question on the phylogeny of behavior. Animal Behavior Society, University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, August 2018.
Price, J. J., and S. C. Griffith. Open cup nests evolved from roofed nests in the early passerines. Animal Behavior Society, Toronto, ON, June 2017.
Price, J. J., and S. C. Griffith. Nest evolution in the early passerines. North American Ornithological Congress, Washington, DC, August 2016.
Price, J. J. Rethinking our assumptions about the evolution of female song. Animal Behavior Society, Anchorage, AK, June 2015. (Cancelled)
Price, J. J., and M. D. Eaton. The evolution of sexual dichromatism: current color diversity does not reflect past rates of change. International Society for Behavioral Ecology, New York City, NY, Aug 2014.
Price, J. J., and M. D. Eaton. Evolution of female colors drives sexual dichromatism in the grackles and allies (Icteridae). Animal Behavior Society, Boulder, CO, July 2013; American Ornithologists’ Union, Chicago, IL, Aug 2013.
Johnson, A. E., J. J. Price and S. Pruett-Jones. Different modes of evolution in males and females generate dichromatism in fairy-wrens (Maluridae). American Ornithologists’ Union, Chicago, IL, Aug 2013.
Sturge, R. J., J. J. Price and K. E. Omland. Recent divergence in the orchard oriole complex (Icterus spurius): using song to understand species boundaries. Society for the Study of Evolution, Ottawa, ON, July 2012.
Price, J. J. Sexual dimorphism through the evolution of female songs and colors. Animal Behavior Society, Albuquerque, NM, June 2012 (this presentation was part of a featured symposium on Animal Communication, co-organized and chaired with Marc Naguib).
Price, J. J. Signatures of sexual selection in the New World blackbird family. Animal Behavior Society, Bloomington, IN, July 2011.
Price, J. J., K. E. Omland, C. M. Hofmann and N. R. Friedman. Temperate zone biases in studies of sexual dimorphism: phylogenetic studies of plumage and song evolution in New World orioles. Animal Behavior Society, Williamsburg, VA, July 2010.
Price, J. J., S. M. Lanyon and K. E. Omland. The evolution of female song in the New World blackbirds. American Ornithologists’ Union, Philadelphia, PA, August 2009.
Omland, K. E., J. J. Price, S. M. Lanyon, C. M. Hofmann, N. R. Friedman, B. Kondo, and F. Jacobson. Temperate zone biases in studies of sexual dimorphism: phylogenetic studies of plumage and song evolution in New World orioles. American Ornithologists’ Union, Philadelphia, PA, August 2009.
Hofmann, C. M., Kiere*, L. M., , J. J. Price, T. W. Cronin and K. E. Omland. Carotenoid evolution in caciques and orioles: two very different patterns of color evolution. American Ornithologists’ Union, Philadelphia, PA, August 2009.
Price, J. J., N. R. Friedman* and K. E. Omland. Song and plumage evolution in the New World orioles show similar lability and convergence in patterns. American Ornithologists’ Union, Laramie, WY, August 2007.
Reichard*, D. and J. J. Price. Conspecific recognition by song in Northern Mockingbirds. American Ornithologists’ Union, Laramie, WY, August 2007.
Price, J. J., N. R. Friedman* and K. E. Omland. Song evolution in the New World orioles. Animal Behavior Society, Burlington, VT, July 2007.
Price, J. J., and E. R. A. Cramer*. Vocal performance influences male response to song in red-winged blackbirds. Animal Behavior Society, Snowbird, UT, August 2006.
Price, J. J., K. P. Johnson, S. Bush and D. H. Clayton. Relationships of the Papuan Swiftlet and the evolution of avian echolocation. American Ornithologists’ Union, Santa Barbara, CA, August 2005.
Price, J. J., S. M. Earnshaw*, and M. S. Webster. Montezuma oropendolas emphasize aspects of song constrained by body size during vocal contests. American Ornithologists’ Union, Quebec City, Quebec, August 2004.
Price, J. J., K. P. Johnson and D. H. Clayton. The evolution of echolocation in swiftlets. Animal Behavior Society, Boise, ID, July 2003.
Price, J. J., and S. M. Lanyon. Reconstructing patterns in the evolution of complex bird song. International Society for Behavioral Ecology, Montreal, Quebec, July 2002.
Price, J. J., and S. M. Lanyon. The evolution of stereotypy in bird song: Patterns of song evolution in the oropendolas. American Ornithologists’ Union, Seattle, WA, August 2001.
Price, J. J., and S. M. Lanyon. Reconstructing song evolution in the oropendolas: The evolution of stereotypy, Animal Behavior Society, Corvallis, OR, July 2001.
Price, J. J., and S. M. Lanyon. Extracting phylogenetic information from complex vocal displays: What's a character? American Ornithologists’ Union, St. John's, Newfoundland, August 2000.
Price, J. J. Lineage- and sex-specific call repertoires in the cooperatively breeding stripe-backed wren. Animal Behavior Society, College Park, MD, June 1997.
Price, J. J. Recognition of neighbors by stripe-backed wrens: A species with group-specific call repertoires. Animal Behavior Society, Flagstaff, AZ, August 1996.
Pham, C. H., D. N. Karowe, J. J. Price, and J. M. Tallant. Climate-mediated changes in interactions among Wood Warbler species. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Montréal, Québec, August 2022.
Price, J. J., M. T. Willson*, and R. W. Pare.* Loss of complex female song but not duetting in the ancestors of Carolina wrens. Maryland Ornithological Society, Solomons, MD, June 2022.
Leyva*, M., D. N. Karowe, J. J. Price, and J. M. Tallant. Global warming enhances the probability of avian host-parasite interactions. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), November 2021.
Willson*, M. T. and J. J. Price. The loss of female vocal complexity and duetting behavior in the ancestors of Carolina wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus). Maryland Ornithological Society, Virtual Conference, June 2021.
Pare*, R. W. and J. J. Price. Vocal coordination between male and female Carolina Wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus). Maryland Ornithological Society, Virtual Conference, June 2021.
Goodvin*, D. and J. J. Price. Are false nests in estrildid finches a defense against brood-parasitism? North American Ornithological Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico, August 2020.
Garcia*, K. and J. J. Price. Female color changes explain rapid losses of dichromatism in New World blackbirds. Maryland Ornithological Society, Chestertown, MD, June 2019.
LeFevre*, G., J. J. Price, and M. D. Eaton. Modes of sexual dichromatism in New World blackbirds (Icteridae). American Ornithological Society, Tucson, AZ, April 2018.
Odom, K. J., J. J. Price, and K.E. Omland, Ancestral state reconstruction and life history traits associated with duetting in the New World blackbirds. Animal Behavior Society, Bloomington, IN, July 2011; Wilson Ornithological Society, Williamsburg, VA, March 2013.
Clapp*, M. K., J. J. Price and K. E. Omland. Where have all the trees gone? The declining use of phylogenies in animal behavior studies. Animal Behavior Society, Williamsburg, VA, July 2010.
Yunes-Jiménez*, L., A. Nava Bolaños, and J. J. Price. Rebelión de las hembras en aves. ¡Ellas también cantan! V encuentro de la participación de la mujer en la ciencia (Women in Science Conference), León, Guanajuato, Mexico, May 2008.
Kiere*, L. M., C. M. Hofmann, J. J. Price, T. W. Cronin, and K. E. Omland. Reconstructing evolution of cacique carotenoid color. American Ornithologists’ Union, Laramie, WY, August 2007.
Yuan*, D. H., and J. J. Price. Repertoire size and song sharing in tropical mockingbirds. Animal Behavior Society, Snowbird, UT, August 2006.
Cramer*, E. R. A., and J. J. Price. Response to song types with different performance levels in red-winged blackbirds. American Ornithologists’ Union, Santa Barbara, CA, August 2005.
Thompson*, S. A. and J. J. Price. Water quality and diving behavior in wintering Common Loons (Gavia immer). American Ornithologists’ Union, Santa Barbara, CA, August 2005.
Niewood*, J. and J. J. Price. The function of call overlapping behavior in Carolina chickadees. Maryland Ornithological Society, Solomons, MD, May 2005.
Thompson*, S. A., and J. J. Price. Water quality and foraging behavior in wintering Common Loons (Gavia immer). Maryland Ornithological Society, Solomons, MD, May 2005.
Earnshaw*, S. M. and J. J. Price. Song contests and vocal evolution in the Montezuma Oropendola. Maryland Ornithological Society, Chestertown, MD, June 2004.
Selected Professional Service (2002-present):
On SMCM campus:
Academic Policy Committee (2003-2005; 2020-2022)
Chair of Biology Department (2017-2020)
Academic Planning Committee (2016-2017)
Provost/Dean of Faculty Search Committee (Chair, 2014-2015)
College Evaluation Committee (2009-2012, Chair 2011-2012, 2014-2015)
Departmental Liaison for the DeSousa-Brent Scholars Program (2014-present)
Middle-States Self Study Committee, Curricular Excellence Working Group (2013-2015)
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (2011-present)
Faculty Coordinator for St. Mary’s Projects in Biology (2010-2011)
Environmental Studies Steering Committee (2009-2010)
Biology Representative for the Faculty Senate (2006-2008)
Faculty Issues Committee (2005-2008)
Natural Science and Math Colloquium Committee (2005-2008)
Faculty Advisor for Rho Gamma Chapter of the BBB Biological Honor Society (2004-2008)
Institutional Review Board (2003-2008)
Campus Sustainability Committee (2006-2008)
Co-leader of First Year Teachers’ Seminars (2006-2007)
Off campus:
Grant Proposal Reviewer and Panelist for the National Science Foundation (2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2020)
Research Awards Committee, American Ornithologists’ Union (2011-2017)
Joseph Grinnell Student Research Award Committee, Cooper Ornithological Society (2016-2017)
Scientific Advisor, Meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, New York City, NY (2014)
Guest Editor for the journal Behaviour (2012-2013)
Co-organizer, Workshop on Phylogenetic Approaches to the Study of Acoustic Signals, International Bioacoustics Congress, Pirenópolis, Brazil (2013)
External Committee Member for one doctoral student at the University of Windsor (2013-2014)
External Committee Member for a masters student at Villanova University (2011-2014)
External Committee Member for five doctoral students at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (2002-2013)
Co-organizer, Symposium on The Evolution of Animal Communication, Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM (2012)
Grant Proposal reviewer for Sigma Delta Epsilon, Graduate Women in Science (2013)
Grant Proposal Reviewer for the National Geographic Society (2012)
Project advisor for an NSF CCLI funded online educational project at Cornell University (2009-2011)
Committee on Undergraduate Faculty, American Ornithologists’ Union (2006-2010)
Professional Accomplishments and Evaluation Committee, National Zoological Park, Smithsonian Institution (2009)
Panelist for the National Science Foundation Workshop on Motor Pattern Evolution (2007)
Awards Committee for the Marcia Brady Tucker Travel Award and Student Presentation Awards, American Ornithologists’ Union (2005, 2007)
Manuscript reviewer for various journals: Animal Behaviour, The Auk, Behavioral Ecology, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Behaviour, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Biology Letters, BMC Evolutionary Biology, The Condor, Ethology, Evolution, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Avian Biology, Journal of Field Ornithology, Journal of Natural History, Nature Communications, Nature Scientific Reports, Northwestern Naturalist, Ornitología Neotropical, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Wilson Journal of Ornithology, Zoological Research.
Selected Media Appearances:
“Birds that build nests with domes may be doomed” New York Times, by Rebecca Dzombak (April 14, 2022)
“The forgotten female: How a generation of women scientists changed our view of evolution” Living Bird magazine, by Kathi Borgmann (June 2019)
“Open concept nests are back in style” National Geographic magazine, by Nina Strochlic (December 2018)
“These are the dinosaurs that didn’t die” National Geographic magazine, by Victoria Jaggard (May 2018)
“Nests, songs, feathers – The evolution of birds” On the Record, interview by Sheilah Kast, National Public Radio (May 17, 2017)
“Bird nests used to look more like fortresses” Scientific American magazine, by Kat Long (May 2017)
“Bird nest riddle: Which shape came first?” Science News magazine, by Susan Milius (Aug 19, 2016)
“Bird nests: covered or convertible?”MSM News (Aug 19, 2016)
“Why some female birds don’t sing” Science magazine, by Virginia Morell (January 12, 2016)
“Mates or survival: which explains a bird’s color?” Student Science magazine, by Bethany Brookshire (April 2, 2015)
“Why one college president took a $90,000 annual pay cut” Christian Science Monitor, by Linsdsay Ellis (October 15, 2014)
“Drab now, female birds had more colorful evolution” Science News magazine, by Susan Milius (June 28, 2014)
“Drab females were once as flashy as their male mates” Smithsonian magazine, by Rachel Nuwer (May 15, 2014)
“The president and the paupers: should university presidents’ salaries be tied to those of their lowest-paid employees?” Slate magazine, by Ry Rivard (February 21, 2014)
“Icterids' colors and songs” Birding magazine, by Paul Hess (November, 2009)
“To sing or not to sing” Science News magazine, by Susan Milius (August 17, 2009)
Two interviews on the radio program Pulse of The Planet (broadcast 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008)
“Bird findings fly in the face of traditional wisdom” River Gazette, by Jennifer Fossell O’Sullivan (April-May, 2006)
“Learning to listen” Science News magazine, by Sid Perkins (May 14, 2005)
Interview on the television show Environmental Journal (broadcast April 6, 2002)
“The royal family revealed”, Endeavors Magazine, by Catherine House (October, 1998)
“Wrens practice 'sex-specific' learning” Environmental News Network, by Debarah Iselin ( May 4, 1998)
Interview on WUNC, Chapel Hill Public Radio, NC (broadcast April 28, 1998)
“Wren families stay in tune” New York Times, Science Times, by J. Jennings Moss (April 21, 1998)
“UNC researcher says wrens may use calls to indicate sex, kinship” Durham Herald-Sun, by Dave Williamson (April 20, 1998)
“The call of the wren” ABC News, by Mark Baumgartner (April 16, 1998)
“He sings Dad's songs; she sings Mom's” Science News magazine, by Susan Milius (March 28, 1998)