Selected Reports
- Ending
Violence Against Women, Population Reports, Series L, Number
- Full
Report of the Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of
Violence Against Women: Findings From the National Violence
Against Women Survey, 2000.
- Extent,
Nature, and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence:
Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey,
- Intimate
Partner Violence, 1993-2001, 2/2003.
- Extent,
Nature, and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence:
Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey,
- Drug-Facilitated
Rape: Looking for the Missing Pieces, 4/2000 --pdf file.
- Sexual
Victimization of College Women -- 12/2000.
- Stalking
and Domestic Violence: Report to Congress, 2001.
- Strengthening
Antistalking Statutes, 1/2002.
- Intimate
Partner Violence, 1993-2001, 2/2003.
- Extent,
Nature, and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence:
Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey,
- Stalking
and Domestic Violence: The Third Annual Report to Congress
Under the Violence Against Women Act, 1998.
- Stalking
in America: Findings From the National Violence Against
Women Survey, 1998.
- Internet
Crimes Against Children, 2001.
- Highlights
of the Youth Internet Safety Survey, 2001.
- Sexual
Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement:
Victim, Incident, and Offender Characteristics, 2000.
About S.A.V.I.N. Webpage last updated July 16, 2012
© Darlene S. VanGaasbeck Gentry
2000-2014. All rights reserved.