Awareness: Avoidance
- Arizona Rape
Prevention and Education Project -- a site designed
to share rape statistics and sexual assault statistics,
evaluation, and research.
- Stop Bullying
- Captain
Awareness: Assault on Campus
-- a preview of the comic book by 2DGraphics about the topic
of campus dating violence.
- Child
Abuse Legislation Project -- a non-profit organization
dedicated to tracking bills, laws, and legislative action
on child abuse, incest, and domestic violence.
- Consent--Got
Consent? Consent 101, information from the sexual harassment
and rape prevention program at University of New Hampshire.
- Interactive
Theatre.org -using drama to educate about sexual assault.
- Intermedia,
Inc. -- provides educational videos about rape, domestic
violence, dating violence and teen issues.
- Male
Responsibility For Rape And Rape Awareness
- Mothers
Against Sexual Abuse
- Netsmartz
Workshop -Keeping kids and teens safer on the Internet
--National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
- Safeguarding Our Children--United
Mothers (SOC-UM) -- a non-profit organization dedicated
to public awareness, prevention of child abuse, and a resource
to those that have been victimized.
- Security On
Campus (SOC) -- a non-profit organization devoted to
fighting college & university campus crime.
- SexCriminals.com:
Sex Crimes Resource -- strives to make the world
we live in a safer one for adults and children alike. We
provide you information, resources and tools to keep you
educated and informed.
- Songs
related to Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Survival
-- an annotated list of recorded sources, from traditional
ballads to punk.
- Toolkit To End Violence
Against Women -- a series of documents in pdf format
that were developed by the National Advisory Council on
Violence Against Women to provide concrete guidance to communities,
policy leaders, and individuals engaged in activities to
end violence against women.
- Snopes Urban
Legends -- information about Internet hoaxes including
information about violent crimes.
- Violence
Prevention -- American Medical Association.
Awareness Campaigns
Awareness Months
About S.A.V.I.N. Webpage last updated January 23, 2014
© Darlene S. VanGaasbeck Gentry
2000-2014. All rights reserved.