Laboratory 6

Compound Action Potentials

Conduction velocity, thresholdand drug effects in isolated nerve

No prelaboratory preparation required but reading these instructions is a good idea

If you have already mastered setup jump foward



The sciatic nerve of frogs has been traditionally used by neuropsychologists and generations of students to study the properties of nerve action potentials. The ventral nerve of a policheate like Glycera or even the radio-ulnar nerve of Homo sapiens make acceptable substitutes and eliminate the need to further decimate frog populations. The brachial nerve of large decapod crustacea such as Callinecties sapidus, however, yeilds an even beter preperation for the study of isolated nerve. You will be recording what is termed a compound action potential detected extracellularly. Because a nerve is composed of many individual nerve fibers, all of which may be activated by an electrical stimulus, the extracellular recording will represent the sum of all of the action potentials on all the active nerve fibers. This summation of the action potentials on numerous individual axons is, thus, described as a compound action potential .

To measure extremely rapid and weak electrical changes characteristic of nerve action potentials, used to use electronic equipment to amplify the weak signals and to present them in a time frame that can be interpreted. The wave of electrical activity resulting from the passage of action potentials is picked up by electrodes contacting the nerve and first amplified by a preamplifier after which they are sent to the oscilloscope where the signal causes the proportional deflection of an electron beam. The beam in turn shines as a spot on the inside face of the cathode ray tube, causing the phosphor coating to glow. The glowing spot traces a line across the screen to depict the voltage changes of the nerve.

You will use a the more contemporary BioPac analog to digital (A/D) converter which will allow not only an analysis of the evoked potentials in the nerve but the storage of the information on a computer disk for subsequent analysis. This is a particularly handy feature as the total duration of an action potential is measured in milliseconds and thus requires some attention to detail in order to measure or even observe in real time. The A/D converter and computer simulated oscilloscope "freeze" time and observe the same experiment repeatedly. This equipment will allow you to determine the threshold voltage, conduction velocities, and strength duration curves. With care it will permit an examination of the several "classes" of axons with different conduction velocities as well as provide you with the means for examining the effect of an anesthetic on nerve functin.


Intracellular Action Potential recordings can give precise information about individual cells, but they are difficult to perform, and beyond the capabilities of most undergtraduate labs. Extracellular recording techniques are much easier to perform, but require a clear understanding of the technique inorder t interpret the reult. The Crab brachial nerve is essentially a bundle of hundreds of individual unmyelinated nerve fibers. The nerve contains both efferent and afferent fibers, so impulse propagation normally occurs in both directions. Even though voltage changes will be introduced and recorded from outside of the nerve, its internal nerve fibers will be indirectly involved because it is made up of conductive fluids. The series of diagrams below explain the CAP recording. In these diagrams, single nerve fibers are shown in yellow. At rest, they have a positive external polarity with respect to a negative internal polarity. If an adequate (threshold or greater) stimulus is applied to the nerve fiber, an action potential will be generated at the site of stimulus. This action potential creates a nerve impulse, which consists of a traveling wave of depolarization followed immediately by a wave of repolarization. Once generated, this impulse will propagate along the fiber away from the stimulus site without change in
amplitude or velocity. Viewed from the outside of the nerve fiber, the impulse begins by creating a negative polarity shift at the region of stimulation, shown in blue. The impulse proceeds as a wave of negative polarity along the outside of the fiber. The diagrams show a voltmeter connected externally to the nerve fiber to record the voltage difference across two points. A graph will be plotted of Voltage vs. Time inside the voltmeter beginning when the stimulus first generates an action potential. It is important to note that the voltmeter reads the potential difference between its positive ("+") and negative ("-") terminals (subtracts "-" from "+"). If the nerve fiber is at rest, the voltmeter will read 0 because both of its terminals are at the same voltage potential. If the voltmeter's "-" terminal is more negative than its "+" terminal, the voltmeter will indicate a positive (upward) voltage.

The MP3X will be used to record the voltage difference between two electrodes with respect to time and simultaneously record the voltage across the stimulating electrodes. The diagram to the right shows five "snap-shots" in time of events occurring on a single nerve fiber beginning with A and ending with E. The recording is considered biphasic because the the voltmeter will record both a positive and negative deflection.

Important practical note:

Since the voltmeter measures the differential voltage between its terminals, if the terminals come too close together, the voltage recording will be reduced in amplitude and a complete loss of recording ability may result. Keep this in mind when positioning terminal.

An actual CAP recording usesing a crab brachial nerve, which is made up of hundreds of individual nerve fibers, each with different diameters, results in different impulse propagation rates for each class of fibers. The resultant voltage recording is shown . This diagram shows six "snap-shots" in time, beginning with A and ending with F, to illustrate a theoretical connection to two individual nerve fibers.

This biphasic recording begins to get very complex when several classes of slow fibers are just ariving at the first electrode while the faster fibers are passing over the second electrode. This problem can be overcome by recording "momophasic" action potentials. This is accomplished by by conecting the + electrode to the crushed end of the nerve. The action potential passes over the negative electrode but can not pass beyond the crushed portion at the positive electrode.

MP35 set up and connections for recording CAP:s

It is assumed that the MP3X and BSLSTMA are connected to their power sources (AC100) but are turned OFF. It is also assumed that the MP3X is connected to the host computer and that the BSL PRO software has been installed and is operational. Please refer to the Biopac Student Lab PRO manual for details.

Hardware setup

Connections to the BIOPAC Stimulator (BSLSTMx)

Connections to the Nerve Chamber

Software Setup

Software Setup

Stimulator Setup

Important! The Stimulator window in the software must remain open during acquisition!


The MP3X needs to be calibrated with the "Reference Out" signal of the stimulator to make sure the baseline reading is 0

String as an Experimental Control

A thread can be used as an experimental control.You will see the stimulus artifact but no action potential response. The
artifact is created because the string has been made conductive by saturating it in Ringer's solution. Current can flow
across this conductive solution, so a response voltage can be measured. This is identical to what happens when stimulus
voltage is applied to the outside of the nerve. In the nerve this also initiates an electro-chemical response. The artifact
(electrical response) is detected ahead of the action potential (electro-chemical response). However, the action potential
response should be be of greater amplitude and of course it will be delayed due to the slower conduction velocity.

crabNerve preparation

If all of the preceding procedures make sense , you are finally in a position to begin your experiments.  Your success with this experiment depends on your ability to remove an undamaged nerve from a living crab. Work quickly and carefully.

Caution The nerve is extremely delicate. Avoid excess stretching during the removal process . Do not touch it with your fingers or anything else; use the attached dactyl as a handle. Avoid excessive warming

Mounting the nerve preparation

CAP Recording

Important: Irrigate the nerve with room temperature Ringer's solution between experimental applications to return to
baseline conditions, and begin each experimental recording with a baseline recording.

Monophasic action potentials

All of the traces that you have produced thus far are biphasic action potentials. As the wave of depolarization reaches the first electrode that electrode becomes more negative than the more distant electrode. As the depolarization reaches the second electrode it is the one that becomes more negative than the first. If a second class of fibers conducts more slowly than the first its upward deflection can fall on top of the downward deflection of the faster fibers.  This can obscure multiple peaks.  A Monophasic CAP can alow visualization of several classes of nerve fibers conducting at dirrering velocities.  Note that this is very different from a monophasic recording produced from one electrode within the nerve and one on the outside. Monophasic compound action potentials can be produced with the following techniques

Conduction Velocity

You should have noticed that the nerve chamber has several additional electrodes located down from the stimulating electrodes at one centimeter intervals. This arrangement will allow you to make incremental changes in the distance that an action potential must travel in order to be recorded and allow you to determine the speed of conduction.

Amplitude, latent period, subthreshold, threshold, submaximal maximal, and supramaximal stimulation

Using your nerve preperation investigate the effect of subthreshold, threshold, submaximal maximal, and supramaximal stimulation on the amplitude and latency of the response. Think about latency and how you can tease out this value from your data.

Determination of threshold voltages

Determination of maximum voltage

Note: It is extraordinarily easy to produce a fried preparation here.

Effect of heat and cold:

Effect of nerve blocker: Topical lidocaine, procaine hydrochloride, or ether This could distroy the preparation do it last


Your report should incude your data reported as duration and magnitude of each response to stimulation for each of the experiments that you performed. Be certain to include the response of a non-living conductor, the threshold and maximal voltages, the strength duration relationship, the conduction velocity and the various classes of fibers that you can demon-strate in the monophasic action potential. Include the data in a well organized table where applicable. Use your own experience and judgement as to the appropriatness of a graph. You should discuss how your data compres to what would be expected from a vertebrate (your text is a reasonable reference for this).

Walter I. Hatch

October 14, 2015