Submitting lab reports papers and other course work
Paper submission: Simply follow the instruction of the instructor
Electronic submission: Course work for evaluaion can be submittd electronically.
Email: Course work can be submitted as an attachment to an email.
Blackboard: Alternativly they can be attached to an assignment in Blackboard. This provides a
positive time stamped record of your submission and it is not subject to the
vagaries eMail.
submission requires some attention to detail to avoid confussion when they are graded and returned.
The expectations of your instructor will be included in the course syllabus
Lab report file types for electronic submission
Lab reports, papers and other written works that are submitted electronically need to comply with our expectations of file type and are usually submitted as MSOffice documents. SMCM administration has selected MSOffice as the default standard for information sharing on this campus. It is a robust and versatile package that whild not meeting the specific needs fof everyone meets the general needs of the entire college. Allmost all student work is submitted as an MSword (.docx) documents.
This means a lab report is one single documemnt not a constelation off assorted file types. When you request a reprint of an article it comes as a single .pdf file not one file with text, another with number,s another with figures. Even when your report was gererated in other software packages like MSExcell (.xlsx) your lab report should be submitted as one (1) single MSWord document with tables graphs immages etc.
Exceptions: Occasionally you will be required to submit MSExcell (.xlsx) or MSPowerpoint (.pptx) or the output of several other programs like MacClade, SPSS or RavenLite or any of the other course specific software instead of or in addition to the MSWord document. This is usually required to evaluate student proficience with a particular program or to evaluate presentations.
Pay attention to the syllabus and submit the proper file type.
Naming Lab report files
file name for the attachment must comply with the Dept of Biology file
naming conventions.
should start with your Username but CTSS adds your initials to the begining of your username and your submissions would be alphbetized by your first initial.
You can correct that by simply moving your initials to the end of your name
eg.Hatchwi would start all of my filenames.
is followed by a very terse description of the content-Hatchwi_StatsLab1v1.
If this is a multidraft assignment you need to include the""v1" to distinguishes it from version 2 to be submitted later.
Failure to include version numbers could lead to gradding old submissions that you have improvd and resubmitted.
Leaving out spaces or replacing them with underscores makes things easier on Unix based machines.
If you start each word tith an upper case letter it is relativly easy to read.
Not required but it is good mannes.You
should also include the appropriate file extension as well eg Hatchwi_StatsLab1v.docx
Failure to comply with the departmental filenaming convention can delay grading or result in the assignmnet being classified as not received. It will take a while to straighten things out.
Using email to deliver course submissions.
eMail must have an appropriate subject In order to facilitate
Instructors often use electronic sorting to move assignments to the proper folder.
This electronic sorting fails unless there is some data in the subject field to work with
The subject must start with Biol
this should be followed
by course number eg Biol436
Then a a terse descriptor.egBiol436 Lab 3 Adaptation to temperaturelab report
This is not a file name so spaces etc are fine
The course number is the critical item it gets the report into the folder for physiology Then the lab number or title direct it into the final folder.
prevents lost reports when you fail to use the appropriate file name
submit two or more reports in the same email
Team lab reports
Team lab reports are sumbitted by the team leader
Only one name the team leader name should appear in the file name
members of the team should be included in the ÒtoÓ dialog box
before the email is sent.
This facilitates returning the assignment to all team embers.
Failur to do so will result in the team members not receiving comments or grades
Using email to deliver course submissions.
Assignments are submittted in blackboard by attaching them to the assignment
Open an assignment and download its filese if required
Then attach the compleated assignment
by clicking the browse my computer to find the file
Team reports are submitted by the team leader
They are submitted as team assignments
Blackboard takes care of the rest
delivering the gradeed assignmemnt to each team member