Subclass Alcyinaria (Octocorallia)* (Polyp with eight hollow marginal pinnate tentacles and eight mesenteries, single siphonoglyph.)
- Order Stolonifera* (No coenenchymal mass; polyps arising from a creeping coenosarcal mat or stolon. skeleton of calcarious tubes of separate calcareous spicules, or horny external cuticle. Tropical and temperate oceans in shallow water. Tubipora, Clavularia.)
- Order Helioporacea* (Contains only the Indopacific Blue corals, having a massive, blue, calcareous skeleton. Only two genera Epiphaxum and Heliopora*.)
- Order Telestacea (Lateral polyps on simple or branched stems. Skeleton of calcareous spicules. Coelogorgia, Paratelsto, Telesto, Testula)
- Order Alcyonacea* (Soft corals. Coenenchyme forming a rubbery mass with upright elongated polyps completely embedded in coenosarc. Colony may have a massive mushroom shape or an encrusting growth form. Skeleton of calcareous spicules. Largely tropical. Alcyonium*, Anthomastus, Ceratocaulon, Gersemia, Sarcophyton*, Lobophyton*, , Sinularia*, Capenella*, Cladella*)
- Holaxonia (Gorgonacea)* (Horny corals. Sea fans and sea whips. Common tropical and subtropical octocorrallian cnidarians having a largely upright plant-like growth form and an axial skeleton of a horny organic material. Separate or fused calcareous spicules may also be present. Acanthogorgia, Briareum, Corallium, Eugorgia, Eunicella*, Gorgonia*, Leptogorgonia, Psammogorgia, Swiftia, Muricea)
- Scleraxonia (Gorgonacea*) Precious corals. Less common deeper tropical waters Octocorrallian cnidarians having a largely upright plant-like growth form and an axial skeleton of a compacted spicules., Corallium*,
- Order Pennatulacea * (Sea pens. Colony having a fleshy flattened or elongate body, or rachis. Skeleton of calcareous spicules. Anthoptilum, Balticina, Cavernularia, Funiculina, Stylatula*, Veretillum, Renilla*, Umbellula, Virgularia)
September 29, 2013