Sandy Ganzell
Mathematics and Computer Science, St. Mary's College of Maryland
47645 College Drive, St. Mary's City, MD 20686
Welcome! My office is in Schaefer Hall, room 172. Come by any time. If the door's open, you're not interrupting. You can also schedule an appointment.
Contact me at 240-895-4371 or
Fall 2023

My student visiting hours (office hours) are M/W 3–4. If you're busy then, email me to schedule a time to meet. Or just stop by. This semester I'm teaching Survey of Math, FOM and Combinatorics. Click below for course info.
Math/CS Department
Here's some of what's happening in the department.
You can take an exam to get your infinity license! There's a 123 lecture at, well, 12:03. We host an NSF-funded REU! Other things!
My main area of research is Geometric Topology, specifically 4-Manifolds and Knot Theory. I'm also interested in Geometric Group Theory and Combinatorial Games.
My classes

Fall 2023: I'm teaching MATH131: Survey of Mathematics (MWF 8:30–9:20), MATH281: Foundations of Mathematics (MWF 2:10–3:00) and MATH421: Combinatorics (MWF 10:30–11:20). Syllabi and additional info are available on Blackboard and (if applicable) your course Google drive. Contact me if you need access.
Student Visiting Hours (in person!): Monday/Wednesday 3:00–4:00. If you're not free during my open hours, you can email me to schedule an appointment.
Spring 2024: I'll be teaching MATH200: Discrete Math, and MATH451: Complex Analysis. Syllabi and additional info will be available on Blackboard in January.
My past courses (taught at SMCM, University of The Gambia, Pomona College and Rice University) are listed in my CV.
My Research

My primary interest in mathematics is in Geometric Topology. More specifically, my research focusses on Knot Theory and the Topology of 4-Manifolds. I'm also interested in Geometric Group Theory and Combinatorial Game Theory.
Students interested in doing research (or SMPs) in any of these areas should read (or at least skim) the linked Wikipedia pages and come see me. A course in Topology is helpful (but not essential) for studying Knot Theory. Abstract Algebra I is essential for studying Geometric Group Theory; both Topology and Abstract Algebra II are essential for studying 4-manifolds.
Some of my preprints can be found here. Links to all my papers (and publication info) are in my CV. Papers marked with an asterisk* are coauthored with one or more undergraduates.
• Derivatives of Jones Polynomials Detect Delta Moves*
• Reidemeister Moves in Gauss Diagrams*
• Virtual Mosaic Knot Theory
• Restrictions on Homflypt and Kauffman Polynomials*
• Knots with Composite Colors*
• Unoriented Links and the Jones Polynomial*
• Local Moves and Restrictions on the Jones Polynomial
• The Forbidden Number of a Knot
• TWIST UNTANGLE and Related Knot Games*
• UNTANGLE: Knots in Combinatorial Game Theory
• Chirality vs. HOMFLY and Kauffman Polynomials*
Things happening around the department

Infinity Licenses
Want to be able to use infinity without justification? Want to be able to say "Well, that's 1 over infinity so it goes to 0" without Alex demanding epsilons and deltas? Just pass your infinity exam and it can happen!

Every Friday at 12:03 there's a short (ends by 12:34) lecture on a topic not typically covered in any class. Usually if you've had FOM you know enough to enjoy it.
Contact Me
Mailing Address
Department of Mathematics and Computer ScienceSt. Mary's College of Maryland
18952 East Fisher Road
St. Mary's City, MD 20686
240-895-4371 (my office)240-895-4362 (office associate)
240-895-4996 (fax)