HTML Documentation/ Making an extremely simple web page. I recommend using photoshop to create your image files and Pagemill to make your html documents (not a very good program but extremely easy to use).

The following file organization rules should be followed if you'd like us to post your project on the department's web site'or if you plan on burning a CD of your page.

Rule #1: All file names cannot exceed 8 characters and your file extensions should be 3 letters (you need to change software preferences). File names should use no capitals, no spaces.

Your web page should be organized of the following:

1. Containing Folder:

Your web page should be placed in a folder, titled lastname

In that folder should be your main html document, other linked html documents, and all linked images.

2. HTML Document:

Your html document should be titled lastname.htm. This page should include your artist statement abstract and no more than ten images (no less than four) including at least one installation shot of your show. You should have links on this page to an html page that contains your complete artist statement and one that is your bibliography. All text being imported to these html pages should be written in a word processing program of your choice and saved as text only (no formatting) and copied/pasted into your html pages. You can then reformat the text using the web page software (Pagemill). The page should be designed for a total viewing width of 640 pixels.

3. Inserted Images:

You may scan slides or prints or use the digital camera to acquire your images.  Images can be retouched (optional), sized (always 72 dpi and no larger that 640 pixels wide), and formatted (jpg - baseline, medium quality 3) in Photoshop. Each image should be titled title.jpg and inserted into your main html document and located in the same file as the web page.

Note: Images must be inserted into an html page they cannot exist as a link unto themselves.


containing folder

jpg image inserted into main html document

jpg image inserted into main html document

Inline graphic inserted into main html document

html doc. (artist statement) linked from main doc.

main html document