308 / Advanced Sculpture Spring 2014 / TR 1:20-3:50 Lisa Scheer,
MH 147, office hours W 1-3pm Course
Description This is an advanced level sculpture
class but it is not necessarily a class for sculptors only. This course has a
number of goals. The first is to broaden studentŐs ideas about art making by
exploring notions of art and sculpture that go beyond the discreet object by
exploring factors such as process, interactivity, and place. Another is to
introduce students to expanded art formats such as installation, performance,
media interfaces. Students will consider issues both by making (three projects)
and researching other contemporary artists with similar concerns. Another primary goal of this course
is to advance the studentŐs ability to work independently and more
autonomously. Studio work will be accompanied by a variety of activities that
constitute full and productive engagement in art making including reflective
activities such as on-going self-assessments and group critiques, research
into related art and ideas, and development of sustained self-guided work
habits. Requirements
and Course Evaluations: Assignments: The work for this course is labor intensive and will require a good deal of time and
effort. The projects are done at
an energetic pace and will often necessitate from 5-10 hours a week outside
of class time. All work will be posted to an on-line eportfolio.
On time posting is very important and will be checked regularly. Class activities follow a simple pattern,
each project will be introduced with an audio-visual presentation. Students
will then complete initial quick-fire work, conduct artist research and assemble
a design proposal for a longer-term project. Technical instruction will
mostly happen on a one-to-one one basis as per the needs of each student.
Remaining class sessions are open work times with on-going meetings with me.
Projects conclude with presentations of artworks in the context of a
critique. Photographs of each project are posted online with concept analysis
and intention statement/assessment writings. Class Policies: I consider attendance crucial to success in this class and
weigh it accordingly. Please be aware of the attendance policy: you are allowed
3 absences. Each additional absence will lower your final grade by one
quarter of a letter (2.5 points). There is no such thing as an excused
absence. In other words, any reason for being absent (including illness,
sports, day off, over sleeping etc.) count toward these three so no need to
bring notes, send emails, or notify me of reasons. You are responsible for
completing all missed work including class notes. If circumstances outside of your control lead to chronic
absenteeism you must come and speak with me about it as it is happening
(not long after the fact) for me to consider any modification of this
policy. You are expected to make
up any work missed (including obtaining class notes from a classmate). If you
email me copies of assignments on the day of the class it was due, I will be
counted as on time. You will be required to attend at least four art department events
(artist lectures, field trips, and gallery talks). Because these are events that take
place outside of class time, you can choose which events you will attend (an
events calendar will be available).
If work, family, or sports commitments keep you from being able to
attend you must come and talk to me. You are required to write a short
summary for each of the four events to be posted on your eportfolio
by the end of the semester. Grading: Any assignment turned in up to a week late (including late
postings) will be lowered one half a letter grade. Any project turned in more
than a week late will be lowered by a full letter grade. Each project will be
evaluated on specified criteria and include related class activities
(writings, journals, participation etc.). The final grade will be 30% for
each of the three assigned projects and 10% for events. Any act of plagiarism
will be grounds for failing the class. Project grade break down is as follows:
Materials: The art department makes available
for your use an array of expendable tools and materials. Each student is
required to purchase a material voucher costing $80 from the campus store to help pay for these general studio
supplies. Besides the materials provided by the art department, you might
need to purchase additional materials depending on your sculpture designs so are
prepared to spend another $40 or more on these materials. You will also need
a flash drive to keep your web
site files on. I recommend a 2GB or larger (available at the campus store)
but if you already have one that has at least 300MB available on it that will
be fine. |