MATH 352, Analysis II, Spring 2015
Instructor: Ivan C. Sterling, 177 SH, 240-895-4370,
Office Hours: TR 12-1:50 & by appt
Book: Understanding Analysis, Abbott
Course Outline: Chapters 4-8
Infinity License & Latex Homework: In order to pass Analysis II, you need to
1) Attempt the Infinity Exam by 3/12/15.
2) Pass the Infinity Exam by 5/1/15.
3) Type up at least one homework in Latex before 5/1/15 (unless you already did in Analysis I).
You may attempt the Infinity Exam infinitely many times.
Tests and Grades: There will be four exams (worth 80% of your course grade, 20% each). One of the four exams will be the non-comprehensive final. Homework will be part of your grade (worth 20%). The homework will be collected at the beginning of class on the day it’s due. Late homework will not be accepted. After it is collected some of the homework problems will be selected for the TA to grade. The exam problems will be the same or similar to those in the homework and the examples worked in class.
Dates for the exams:
R 2/12; R 3/12; R 4/16;
Final (10am) 2:00-4:15pm M 5/11
Final (2pm) 2:00-4:15pm F 5/8
Grading(roughly):90-100%“A+”,A,A-;80-90%B+,B,B-;70-80%C+,C,C;60-70%D+,D,“D-”;0-60% F;
Teaching Assistants:
Billy Kimmel (10am),, 381-367-3347
Abu Kebbie-Anthony(2pm),, 240-718-4618
TA Office Hours and Review Sessions: TBA