MATH 152.3                                      Calculus II                  Spring, 2002



Instructor:                     Ivan C. Sterling, 177 SH, x4370 (240-895-4370),


Office Hours:                 TBA


Book:                             Calculus II, Marsden & Weinstein


Tests and Grades:         There will be five exams (worth 100% of your course grade, 20% each).  One of the five exams will be the non-comprehensive final. Homework will not be part of your grade.  The exams will be the same or similar to the homework. 


                                       Dates for the exams:

                                                F 2/1; W 2/20; F 3/8; W 4/10;Final: Sa 2:00-4:00 5/4.


                                       Grading (roughly): 90-100% A,A-; 80-90% B+,B,B-; 70-80% C+,C,C;

                                                                        60-70% D+,D,D-; 0-60% F;


Review Sessions:       Mondays at 6-8pm in SB 109. 


Teaching Assistant:    Vannah Zablotny: x4142 (240-895-4142),