MATH 256 Linear Algebra Fall, 2011
Instructor: Ivan C. Sterling, 177 SH, cell: 240-431-8185,
Office Hours: MWF 12-1 & by appt.
Book: Linear Algebra with Applications, 7th Edition – Williams
Course Outline: Misc Sections in Chapters 1-8
Tests and Grades: There will be five exams (worth 80% of your course grade, 16% each). One of the five exams will be the non-comprehensive final. Homework will be part of your grade (worth 20%). The homework will be collected at the beginning of class on the day it’s due. Late homework will not be accepted. After it is collected some homework problems will be graded. The exams will be the same or similar to the homework.
Dates for the exams:
R 9/15; R 10/6; R 10/27; R 11/17; Final: W 12/14 7-9:15;
Grading (roughly): 90-100% A,A-; 80-90% B+,B,B-; 70-80% C+,C,C;
60-70% D+,D; 0-60% F;
Teaching Assistants: Christiana Sabett TBA: Phone, Office Hours, Review Sessions.
p32 #15 3rd Equation should have “+x_1” instead of “-x_1”
p73 #25(d) is -> be
p82 #12a Should be ... 7B^2... i.e. B squared.
p83 #35 Should be ... + x3... in the first equation. (+ not -)
p167 last line on page is missing a 3 inside the parentheses, before the first determinant
p200 axioms 5 and 6 are grammatically unclear: should either say “there exist a unique”, etc. or use “a” instead of “the”
p203 the definition at the bottom of the pg: the last sentence is unclear because the existence of a 0 vector is not guaranteed until thm 4.2 has been proved
p203 thm 4.1 part d, where is says cv=0 the 0 should be bold
p277 eg2 B' is NOT as basis
p279 line 4 u_1->u_n
p285 in proof of Thm5.5: 5times c_1m->c_m1; 3times c_n1->c_1n; 5times c_nm->c_mn;
p496 answer #9(g) 2.1 : Should be “does not exist”
p497 answer #3(e) 2.3: Should be “4x3”
p498 answer #21 2.3: Should add also “BA=[-6+24i 5-20i ... 14+13i 23-26i]”
p505 answer #18 3.3: Should be “|A-lambda I|” not “|A-lambda|”
p530 answer #12 AppA: Should end with “cu cross v” not “cu dot v”