Attention computer science majors:
COSC 387: Virtual Reality Seminar (1) The seminar will
introduce any
interested CS major to the work of the Virtual
Reality Team. Students will meet
once a week and will have 24-7
access to state of the art virtual reality
software. The seminar
will be team taught by Kevin Smith and Ryan Keeling. Kevin
Ryan have spearheaded the work of the “St Mary’s Virtual Reality
SMP Team”.
The team has raised over $30,000 in funds, has given
many demonstrations and
presentations on and off campus
(including to a packed house of over 100 in
106SH at the NSM
Colloquium in April 2003), has produced a recruitment video for
admissions to be copied and sent out to thousands of perspective
Admissions will soon have the virtual reality tour
running interactively on a
large plasma display in the
admission’s lobby. Similarly HSMC plans to have an
display, created by the virtual reality team in the lobby of their
new museum and at the new St. John’s site.
1 credit course COSC387 is offered (F03) by Professor Ivan Sterling in SH158 (meeting time to be arranged individually with interested students). To add this course see Ivan, (his office is SH177).